Faith formation at our parish is for children from kindergarten through the sixth grade. Call or stop by the office to get your children registered.
Our Parish uses the "Catechesis of the Good Shepherd" Program in all of their faith formation classes as well as in the K-3rd grade of the school. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd was founded in the '50s by two Italian laywomen: one a scriptural scholar and one an expert in Montessori education. Together they conceived of a simple, attractive method for sharing the richness of the Faith with children, who are uniquely capable of accepting the beauty of God's love. The program is presented in three levels, and includes time in the "Atrium," which is a quiet environment where children learn through tactile play.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd emphasizes quiet contemplation and "the enjoyment of God." The children hear Bible stories and watch them acted out with simple materials; they learn songs and prayers, and are encouraged to play quietly with simple and meaningful objects. One mother explained that CGS "cracked the code" of the Mass for her son, as he learned to become alert to the details of the liturgy: the significance of color, the names and purposes of the various vessels and tools on the altar.
The program consists of three levels. Level 1 for age 3-6 year olds reflects the foundational image of Christ as the Good Shepherd who loves His sheep and lays down His life for them. Level 2 for age 6-9 year olds reflects on the image of Christ the True Vine and the History of the Kingdom of God, working toward a personal union with Our Lord. And Level 3 for those 9-12 years old carries the human response of the child further, concentrating on the Plan of God as worked out in Scrpture and human history and how we as true sons and daughters should respond.
Children receive first Holy Communion and first Reconcilliation in the second grade. Please contact the office to sign your child up. Sacramental preparation is a structured process offered by the parish to educate the children as well as to equip the parents to more effectively pass on the faith to their children.
Bible Study is currently being offered to High School students on Thursdays during the school year from 7:00-7:30 AM in the Our Lady of Lake Huron School library. Entrance is Door 4 (southwest corner of school).
Young adults (18-35) from all around are welcome to join the parish's Young Adult Group. Events are posted on the Facebook page (here) and notifications are sent out through Flocknote.